We’re hosting the greatest science fair our local community has ever seen, while letting them in on our best-kept secret –

Geniuses with a world of talent at their fingertips!


We’re making science cool! The goal of #BossoYaScience is for students to have fun with science – to give them opportunities to experience science for themselves by asking questions and discovering answers.

A science project is the best hands-on way of enjoying and learning about science. Throughout the campaign, there will be five science projects: free energy light bulbs 220V using potatoes, a charcoal water purifier, a wind turbine to produce electricity, a solar pane1from soda cans and a water wheel (advanced). After these projects have been created, a science fair will be held where the student participants will exhibit their work.


We believe that making school fun can give students a lifelong love of learning. That’s why we’re hosting the greatest science fair our local community has ever seen, while letting them in on our best-kept secret -geniuses with a world of talent at their fingertips! Our goal is to be the community leader in cultivating a culture of education in our youth. #EvatonMallForEducation


We’re making science cool! The goal of #BossoYaScience is for students to have fun with science – to give them opportunities to experience science for themselves by asking questions and discovering answers.

A science project is the best hands-on way of enjoying and learning about science. Throughout the campaign, there will be five science projects: free energy light bulbs 220V using potatoes, a charcoal water purifier, a wind turbine to produce electricity, a solar pane1from soda cans and a water wheel (advanced). After these projects have been created, a science fair will be held where the student participants will exhibit their work.


We believe that making school fun can give students a lifelong love of learning. That’s why we’re hosting the greatest science fair our local community has ever seen, while letting them in on our best-kept secret -geniuses with a world of talent at their fingertips! Our goal is to be the community leader in cultivating a culture of education in our youth. #EvatonMallForEducation


The crucial school grades are 7 and 9. Grade 7 is the end of a child’s primary school career, and with this comes a lot of transition and growth. Grade 9, on the other hand, could determine the field of study learners follow once they complete school. One thing that both grades have in common is that they can have a huge impact on every learner’s future career. We’re channeling the enthusiastic grade 7 and 9 students from our local community’s captivating classrooms:

Students are to work in groups of two or three. Individual projects are not allowed


Registration is opened the 1st to 24st of June 2022. The project creation will take place from 29 June 2022 to 15 July 2022, followed by the #BossoYaScience science fair (date to be confirmed).


The project creation will take place at both the Evaton Mall Soccer Park and ArcelorMittal Science Centre, followed by the #BossoYaScience science fair at Evaton Mall. Participants will also be invited on a science centre trip in either Pretoria (at the University of Pretoria Sci-Enza or Pretoria Zoo Science Centre) or Johannesburg (at the Sci-Bono Discovery Centre).


Of course, there are many exciting prizes up for grabs for the winning participants and schools.

Keep an eye on our Facebook page for regular updates!